Car Parks
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50 Lonsdale st
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Vehicles listed here will be billed to your selected primary method.
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Your refund will be reimbursed to your original payment method.
When Google Pay/Apple Pay was used for the original purchase, we require you to verify your payment details and card used by re-selecting Google Pay/Apple Pay and confirming the cancellation fee can be charged. The original cost will then be refunded to your original payment card.
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Your refund will be reimbursed to your original payment method.
When Google Pay/Apple Pay was used for the original purchase, we require you to verify your payment details and card used by re-selecting Google Pay/Apple Pay and confirming the cancellation fee can be charged. The original cost will then be refunded to your original payment card.
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Important information
Terms & Conditions
Prior to confirming payment you are required to read and accept the terms and conditions and acknowledge that car parks may be unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances. In which case you may be directed to another car park or we may refund your Parking Fee if the selected car park is unavailable at entry time.
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Price includes GST
Terms & Conditions
Prior to confirming payment you are required to read and accept the terms and conditions and acknowledge that car parks may be unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances. In which case you may be directed to another car park or we may refund your Parking Fee if the selected car park is unavailable at entry time.
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Click "< Back" to add a promotional code
Price includes GST
Terms & Conditions
Prior to confirming payment you are required to read and accept the terms and conditions and acknowledge that car parks may be unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances. In which case you may be directed to another car park or we may refund your Parking Fee if the selected car park is unavailable at entry time.
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Introducing Procure to Pay

A finance system update...
Over the past year Secure Parking has invested in our corporate and finance systems to improve the way we operate and to make it easier for our customers, business partners and employees to do business with us.
In mid-2022, we will introduce a new purchasing requisition system (P2P), which merges purchasing to payment and standardises the way we order and pay for goods and services across Australia. Here is a snapshot of the changes ahead and some tips on how to prepare.
When P2P is introduced, quotations will be required for us to raise a purchase requisition (unless you are a supplier with agreed contracted rates). Please provide a written quote every time we initiate a new purchase.
Purchase Orders
Upon approval, we will issue your business with an electronic purchase order. Please use our PO number on all correspondence relating to our order as soon as you receive it.
Once P2P is launched it will become a requirement to include our purchase order number or in the case of contractual agreements, our contract number on any invoice you send us. Invoices that are successfully matched with a PO/contract number will be validated and made ready for payment. Please ensure you are paid on time by adjusting your invoices to include our PO/Contract number.
Our new P2P system will make doing business with us easier and will help foster stronger relationships and faster payments. For more information about Procure to Pay, please speak to your usual Secure Parking business contact.
Thank you for your support as we transition to this new system.
Frequently asked questions
What is P2P?
P2P stands for Procure to Pay - a purchasing and contract management system we are introducing at Secure Parking.
Why do I need to provide quotations for goods or services?
When we raise a purchase requisition in P2P, it must include the price for the order. Quotations help us fill out the details for the requisition correctly.
How will purchase orders be sent to me?
Purchase orders will be sent to you from our P2P system using the email address you’ve previously provided to our Accounts Payable team. If you want POs sent to a different email address, please advise us now at
I provide services – can your system support progress claims?
Progress claims are easily processed in our P2P system.
Are there any changes I need to make to my invoice?
Please ensure you include our purchase order or contract number on all your invoices to Secure Parking in P2P from mid-2022. If your invoicing system isn’t set up for this, please make the necessary adjustments. We will contact you with a specific timeframe, closer to the implementation date.
My company has a contract with Secure Parking. When will you give me the contract number?
When the system is live we will send you your contract number via email.
Secure just ordered something from my company which will be invoiced soon. Can I still bill you without a PO number?
Items under order prior to P2P’s go live in mid-22 will still be processed and paid while we complete migration to our new process. Contract numbers will be issued following go live and any subsequent new orders will require a purchase order number before they can be accepted for payment.
Is there any change to the email address I send invoices to?
Our Accounts Payable email address remains unchanged for Australia.
Will there be any disruption to invoice payment?
Our Finance system will be offline for a short period in the week before P2P launches. A catch up pay-cycle will be run once we are migrated to P2P.
Who can I speak to if I have questions?
If you have questions about our new P2P system, please contact our Accounts Payable team by emailing